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Dear EUVEN COST Action Members,

We are pleased to extend an invitation to a focused workshop on the transition of research results to commercialization, scheduled to take place at the Czech Center for Phenogenomics in Prague. This engaging session will adopt a ‘noon-to-noon’ format over the course of March 7th and 8th 2024.

Due to the interactive nature of the workshop and the limited capacity of our venue, participation will be curated. Interested members are required to submit a one-page overview detailing their project or result that possesses potential for commercialization. This brief should be designed as a disclosure-free synopsis, providing insight into your technological proposition and underlying research objectives.

Submissions will be assessed by the organizing committee and EUVEN management, who will then select the most promising projects. These selected projects will be featured in a specialized consulting segment during the workshop on Friday. To facilitate an environment conducive to open and secure discussion, all attendees will be required to enter into an interinstitutional Confidentiality Agreement.

New deadlines:

  • Submission of the one-page project overview: January 31st
  • Notification of selection outcome: February 13th

We encourage all our EUVEN COST action members to seize this opportunity for potential collaboration and advancement. Please direct your proposals and any inquiries to jan.prochazka@img.cas.cz cc info.euven@gmail.com.

We look forward to the potential of your project playing a pivotal role in our upcoming workshop.

Warm regards,

Jan Prochazka

Czech Center for Phenogenomics, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences


Download here the EUVEN WG3 workshop FINAL PROGRAM


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